Sunday, April 15, 2012

Giveaway From Victorian Motto Sampler Shop Victorian Motto Sampler Shop is having a floss giveaway. Even if you don't cross stitch this floss will still come in handy to stitch your crafts with. Drop on by and join the fun! She does alot of giveaways to give plenty of chances to win, I haven't won yet but fingers are crossed! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Special Surprise

My husband told me last Tuesday he was going to take me to a special surprise. I was kinda nervous but I went along with it. The next morning we woke up and got dressed and hit the road. I started seeing Dallas signs, we live about 2 hours away. He drove and drove and all of the sudden i saw this store!

It was The American Girl Store! I love their dolls. He knows this. He made me bring my camera and we walked up to the window.

This was one of their window displays. I have never been to an American Girl Doll store. All my dolls are second hand.

This was another display. I couldnt wait to go inside!

There was a whole bunch of these dolls, they come in different skin color, hair color and eye colors to match one up to look just like you!

I thought this doll favored my aunt.

This is Kit. I have her at home. She is from the 1930's.

This one is Addy, she is from the late 1800's. Her hair was so amazingly soft. I really liked her dress and her look.

This is Julie, she is from 1974.

This is Rebecca, she is Russian. I think she is dressed like a flapper here. I liked her as well.

This one is their newest doll, she is doll on the year. I think her name is McKenna. She is in gymnastics.

This is Molly and her friend Emily from the 40's. I liked the both!

This is Kit and her friend Ruthie from the 30's. Love the clothes! Especially Ruthie.

From the 1800's Marie Grace and Cecile. Marie grace has long amazing hair and her additional outfits that you can purchase are adorable.

We went upstairs and they had a bistro you can eat at and they had a hair salon where you can bring your doll to and they can do their hair and pierce their ears! These are some cheerleaders in a display.

This is a cute display of Kit and her friend doing laundry.

This is Julie from 1974 cooking out. I love her hippie looking dress and hat.

McKenna in a display window, doll of the year!

My husband told me that I could bring one doll home with me. He said to pick anyone of them I wanted. I was born in 1973 and since Julie was from 1974 I decided I wanted to bring her home with me so here she is!

Close up of Julie.

Julie hanging out with her friends! After we left the store we did go to the Bass Pro shop and I took some nice pictures there but I can do it in my next post since this post had tons of pictures. Then we ate out. What a treat. I thought it just showed me how much my husband loves me and he so wanted to please me and he knew I would love going here. I am so lucky and blessed!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blog Giveaway

Hello, just wanted to drop in and tell you about The Crafters Nestled Nook having a mothers day giveaway. It looks very neat and the rules are simple so please go to I am on my iPad right now so no picture post for today but I wanted to ask if you saw the My Twinn doll I did a post on a couple of days ago with the American Girl doll? Well she is staying with me and I'm glad because I would love to make her a dress. It's rainy here today but nothing bad, we sure need it to still recover from the drought from last year. Hoping your day is a good one! God Bless..

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

American Girl Find & Wicked Faerie Queen Blog Giveaway


My Twinn

Poseable Body

Lavender Eyes


My Dolls
This past weekend was a wonderful weekend to garage sale. The weather was really nice and there was endless sales to go to. I love going with my husband, he makes it so much fun. Plus who likes going alone? When he isnt off I have to go alone and im not as motivated.We went to this one sale and this guy had a huge garage full of vintage stuff. It was grossly overpriced and I was scared to even ask the prices of the items that were not tagged. I immediately saw this American Girl doll with the short blonde hair named Kit but I knew something had to be wrong for her to still be there. I asked him how much for the one with the lavender eyes, called a My Twinn doll and he said I could have her and the Kit doll for fifty dollars for both of them. Well I knew it was really a good price but this is a garage sale. He was trying to tell me that the American Girl doll was porcelain and she had glass eyes, lol! I was like, no way she is plastic guy! And she has a couple of bite marks on her hands. I talked him down to 15 dollars a piece and I think I got a good deal of both of them. The My Twinn doll is fully poseable and she is just adorable. She is also just as expensive as an American Girl doll. I kept the Kit doll but my husband says I needed to at least put the My Twinn on Ebay so she is on there but if she doesnt sell she is mine! Lol. He bought me this Samantha doll off Ebay for fifty dollars, she was listed wrong so he got a good deal on her too. I also have in the group photo American Girl doll Nikki and a Gotz doll in braids with the cutest pouty face youve ever seen! The one in the bed is an American Girl doll called a Bitty Baby. I told you about her in my last post, got her at a sale for a quarter. I also found a Lenci doll for twenty five dollars. If you dont know what a Lenci doll is you can look them up on Ebay . They are made in Italy back in the 30's and very very expensive. They do remake them but mine was a vintage one and I listed her on Ebay because this isnt the type of doll I collect plus she is already bringing 90 dollars right now! I wanted to tell you that another blogger Wicked Faerie Queen is having a giveaway so jump over to her blog to see what she has. Here is her link Its a very good read with alot of variety on there. Well I have to get busy around here, I hope you have a blessed day and again go look up my friend on her blog, you will like the read I promise!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Major Award & Dolls Dolls Dolls

My Husbands "major award" Its Fragile!

Very sweet folk art pictures I found at a sale. Paid $5.00 for all three of them!

Some Of My Raggedys, & Boyds With Their Own Raggedys.

This is a real Beloved Belindy. I made the dress through because this one was bought naked. It will do.

This doll in the bed is a Bitty Baby, she is an American Girl Baby doll. Paid .25 cents for her.

I got this for christmas. I will have to take better pics later but my husband went all out to get me a brown eyed Bye Lo with the Bye Lo button that he purchased seperate for sixty dollars!

This is my smaller blue eyed Bye Lo that I got for my anniversary 3 years ago, my mom crochet the dress for it.

This is my Shirley Temple doll dressed as Heidi.

A cottage bear I found at a sale for a dollar. He is an angel, has wings on his back and is fully jointed. In his suitcase he has angel cards, its very cute!

Oh Boy, this guy has made a mess with his honey pot! I couldnt resist him for a quarter.

I got this baby I Love Lucy doll from a local sale this past weekend for a quarter!
Well im still alive in case your wondering, I know its been awhile since my last post. I had a huge garage sale this past weekend and had to get ready for that. You know how running a garage sale can be. Very tiring and can put you out for several days. I didnt even hit a dent in my house. I thought this time I got rid of alot but I came inside to see how "cleared" out it was and it still is cluttered! But then again I keep hitting the sales and Goodwills and such so I think I bring in as much as what goes out lol. My husband got a major award last weekend. I hit a sale here in town and found this funny leg lamp from the movie A Christmas Story. I brought it home and my husband HAD to have it, oh boy.. This one wont break as easily as the one on the movie. The base is heavy and the leg is a very hard plastic lol so that idea is out of the window~ He has this on his side of the bed nightstand. I will share some photos of some finds and some dolls I already have. I uploaded the photos last so you will probably see them first, I hope you enjoyed them! Thanks for coming bye!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yo Yo Quilting & Sewing

Feed Sack Yo Yo's Fun To Make!

My circles Ive got cut out so far.

Very handy plastic "yo yo makers". They help you to make different sizes, even hearts!

Yards and yards of Easter fabric that I found at a sale.

Daisy Kingdom patterns, about 15 of them!

Your doll even gets a dress:)

Easter basket made from cloth, .50 cent at a sale this past weekend.

Sweet Easter chick vase from a benefit sale this weekend.

Very simple table runner found for a dollar this weekend. I put it on my stained up piano bench :)

Tin sign paid a dollar for it at a sale this past weekend.

Goodwill find $2.00

These are made by Boyd Bears, Raggedy Ann & Andy. Ordered off of Ebay 4.99. plus shipping.
Its been a overdue post I know. Ive been trying to do something crafty. I decided to start a yo yo quilt. I know I can do this because I have plenty of feed sack fabric. I do not want to use all of my feed sack fabrics cause I intend on making doll clothes and stuff out of some of it. I am going to get on ebay and buy some feed sacks or scraps to have a variety of yo yo's. I purchased these yo yo makers from Hobby Lobby. I have a jumbo yo yo, a heart yo yo, a large yo yo, and a mini yo yo maker. I had a medium sized one but my daughter lost it. I have been cutting out the circles. I did do a few samples just to show you what they look like. I went to alot of sales this past weekend and I racked up on some nice items. One thing I found was yards and yards of this Easter fabric. There are 3 different patterns of this fabric. This sale was for a young man that has a rare brain tumor. The items at the sale did not have prices on them so you just donated what you thought you needed to. I also found 15 of these uncut patterns of these beautiful young girl dresses. You also get a doll dress pattern that looks just like the dress you do for your little girl. I will probably sell these because my kids are teens. I also found this large cute white chick vase. It looks like Easter to me and vintage. My husband loves Donald Duck as I mentioned before and ducks. He really liked this vase so its staying here. I donated twenty dollars for all of this and I really thought considering the yards of fabric I got a great deal. The ladies conducting the sale was very happy but I wished I could of given more. The young mans last name I remember was King so if you could please pray for this young man he is about 25 years old. My daughter and I went to the fabric store last weekend and I spent about fifty dollars on way less fabric than this and it was on sale! I will do a full post with pics on some of the neat items I found this past weekend. I did find another fabric basket and it looks like a Easter basket, soo cute! I just put some Yankee Candle melts in it for now. See in the photo, it matches my cute basket I found a few weeks ago. My daughter and I will be doing some sewing soon so pray that I can remember how to work my machine! LOL God bless!